Finding credential leaks to version control with gitleaks

Gitleaks is a static analysis tool that can scan your git repos for leaked credentials like AWS access keys. These kinds of leaks are a fast growing attack vector due to the increasing usage of such keys so it is a good idea to add a tool like this to your CI process to catch these mistakes as fast as possible.

You can get it via the go package manager: go get -u

Or download the binary from here: Gitleaks Releases. After that just run:


This will run the audit on the current working directory. Or

gitleaks --temp

will clone the repo from GitHub to a temporary folder, run the audit and delete the folder after that. You can also use it with docker:

docker run --rm --name=gitleaks zricethezav/gitleaks

In case the tool found a valid leak you should follow GitHubs Guide to remove sensitive data.