Getting started with Laradock

Setting up a complete development environment for Laravel using Laradock just takes a few minutes. You will need: git, docker, docker-compose and a laravel project (can be a brand new one).

First clone the Laradock project anywhere you like.

git clone

Copy the env example file to .env

cp env-example .env

Change the Application setting to your project root directory.


Now you can just choose the services you want to use and start them with docker-compose. Laradock offers a ton of different services already configured for you to use. Check the laradock site here to get more info.

docker-compose up -d mysql nginx

This may take a while since it has to download all the docker images you chose. To use the mysql docker service in your Laravel project you only have to change the DB_HOST config in your .env file like this:


And that’s it. You should now be able to see your laravel project in your browser on http://localhost/

If you try to find out which containers are currently running with

docker-compose ps

You should see the ones you have chosen before and a php-fpm as well as a workspace container. You can access the workspace container to use things like composer or php artisan commands by starting a shell on it

docker-compose exec -u laradock workspace bash

This workspace should provide you with all the command line tools you need.

Links to find out more:

Laradock website

Laravel website